Monday, March 19, 2007

I just read an article on called Corporate Speak by Catharine Taylor. I was surprised at the content. I have felt pretty behind-the-times as a communications expert without her own blog, and it seems to me that many CEOs are now taking time to write them. This article discussed the fact that a study conducted late last year showed companies with more than 100 employees were the least likely to have a CEO blogging. My guess would have been just the opposite. I don't think it's necessary to actually make a CEO sit down and write for a blog, when PR people are actually writing op-eds, speeches, letters and a whole lot of other stuff for CEOs. But bloggers are constantly "outing" people who are ghost writing on the Web. Do actual CEOs really do their own blogging? I know some who do, but I don't have a sense of how often this is the case. What do you think about this?